Erasmus+ Youth Exchange
The main goal of our project is to introduce gamified storytelling tools and game-based learning activities on the basis of exploring the topic of myths, oral stories and diverse folklore passed down by generations in order for participants to enrich their intercultural views, to discover European Cultural Heritage and to develop storytelling and rhetoric abilities through the prism of the “Hero’s Journey”.
The main objectives are:
To introduce the basics of storytelling through the prism of the Hero’s Journey paradigm
To introduce basic Game Design & Gamification principles
To encourage young people to draw inspiration from everyday things so they can tap into their creative reserves
To develop knowledge about European Cultural Heritage, Mythology and Folklore
To introduce to the participants conscious way of learning through the Youthpass
To deepen the knowledge of how Erasmus+ program works
To develop the foreign language abilities of the participants
To develop soft skills and competences such as rhetoric, public speaking, team spirit,
To develop artistic abilities of the participants via role playing (Mythological LARP, creation of thematic Escape Room)
To encourage young people to reflect and become more self aware
To create and share a compendium of new original fictional stories made by participants
To utilize music as a tool for expanding the limits of participants’ creativity
To explore how games can be used to boost team building, cooperation, storytelling and bonding
To use Cultural Heritage as a means of promoting social cohesion
To help youth remember their past heritage, forge their present identity and shape their future
We will organise the youth exchange which will be full of various storytelling techniques and workshops (finding inspiration, creating short and long stories) gamified experiences (avatar creation, team-building game with Dixit cards, Mythological LARP (live action role playing) and Game Design activities (designing and playtesting a thematic escape room). We will also implement intercultural folklore nights and reflection activities.
For further details please refer to the Infopack.
Food, accommodation and local travel costs (only during the activity program) will be covered 100% by the grant from local National Agency of Erasmus+. Travel costs are refunded up to the limit described in the Infopack.
Travel and accident insurance is a responsibility of the participants. You are advised to buy a regular travel and/ or accident insurance during your travel and your whole stay.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.