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"Sex Education as the best Weapon against Gender Violence"

01-11-2021 - 01-11-2023
#SEDUCA #Erasmus+ #ErasmusPlus
Project website

Image by Tim Mossholder
EN Co-Funded by the EU_POS.png


This is an Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnership project.

Sex education is a legal requirement in almost all EU countries, but the content and quality vary. According to the report "Policies for sex education in the EU" of the European Parliament (2013), the Nordic countries and Benelux have sex education of the highest quality, while the states of eastern and southern Europe have poor or non-existent programs.
Although sex education is integrated into the school curriculum in Greece, Spain and Croatia, it is rarely implemented. In addition, according to the School Education Gateway survey on sex education (2019), most teachers, parents and institutions support sex education in schools, however there is no support for educators to manage information and education is limited to human body and its development. We intend to respond to the PROPOSAL FOR A RESOLUTION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT, on the situation of health and sexual and reproductive rights in the Union, within the framework of women's health (2019/2165 (INI), in the section that promotes comprehensive sexuality education for the benefit of young people, urging Member States to ensure access to comprehensive and scientifically correct sexuality education for all primary and secondary school students, in line with WHO standards and that is the added that our project contributes to the EU, providing digital material and adequate training for this sexual education of young people. It is proposed in relation to comprehensive sexuality education and services that take into account the needs of young people, highlighting the participation of young people, in cooperation with other stakeholders such as their families, in the development, application and evaluation of programs is essential for the effectiveness of a comprehensive sexual
education, thus from our active participation of young people in our project and the inclusion of families, we add value and
response to the EU, while we respond with our multidimensional consortium to formal education and non-formal education.

We start from the idea that a good sexual education will prevent behaviors related to gender violence and for this we
establish the following objectives:

1- Identify what content, what frequency and what quality have sexual education programs destined to young people (13-18) in the countries of our consortium.

2- Carry out a research which will show that effective sex education prevents sexist violence.

3- Develop a guide of good practices about health and affective-sexual rights of young people.

4- Develop an identification plan that includes all those macho attitudes related to sexist violence.

5- Establish a prevention and action manual that explains what to do in case such attitudes appear.

6- Train formal and non-formal teaching professionals for an education in gender equality, providing them with material for this.

7- Establish a support and information program for families in the area of sexual education that facilitates their intervention in the family context.

8-Involve young people in the realization, application and conclusion of materials and constructive activities in
gender equality.

9-Integrate young people in the promotion of the materials and activities created, with the aim of structuring them in three lines of action: identification, action and behavior change. 10-Instruct through interaction with young people in the relation between sex and technology. All our priorities arise from the evident need of carrying out sex education programs that help prevent sexual transmission diseases, unwanted pregnancies and behaviors of sexist violence.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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