"Youth EmPLAYability"
Erasmus+ Youth Exchange
Recruitment completed

International Youth Exchange organized by Arteam in the Sunny Beach, on the coast of Black sea, Bulgaria.
The dates are 05 June – 13 June (as 5th June is arrival day and 13th June is departure day).
Youth unemployment is a widespread problem in Europe. A lot of young people are not able to find a job, so they are faced with economic obstacles. Therefore, it is essential to help them find a way to solve this. That's why the main aim of this project is to raise youth employment ability by improving their digital and soft skills.
Technologies are continually being renewed, and it isn’t easy for the youngsters to follow them without the creation of dedicated space and time for training and innovation. In the modern workplace, they are highly valued, but in the future, they will be vital. On the other hand, a lack of soft skills can limit personal potential. Soft skills are often overlooked, but they also play an essential role in day-to-day operations and could be useful both in our professional and personal lives.
Participating organisations wanted to create a space for sharing competences and tools, validated by youth working in different countries. The purpose is to increase the abilities of the involved youngsters to improve soft skills and usage of digital competences.
The project will be implemented in the frame of the ERASMUS+ Programme. Accommodation, living, working materials & other project related expenses will be funded 100% by the European Commission, except the travel costs which is up to the limit of 275 euro/person for Polish participant.
Travel Details
Please plan your journey so that to arrive in Sofia. We will arrange a bus shuttle to pick up all the participants and take them to Sunny Beach, where is the venue. The meeting point will be at Sofia Airport. For those who will arrive at the Central Bus Station, we will give more information later on. About the hour of the meeting, we will inform you after collecting all participants’ arrival information, but the aim is to arrive in Sofia before 13h on 5th June and depart after 15h on 13th June.
Price of the bus - The price of the bus is 20 euro per person both ways, which amount will be deducted from each participant’s travel budget.
REMEMBER that the reimbursement of the travel costs of each country in the Erasmus + program is pre-determined and you have to search for the most cost-efficient option of transportation. The maximum amount of travel costs that is covered by the project for each country is written in the Info-pack. Don’t forget, you have to confirm first with the organizers before buying any tickets. The tickets without organizers' approval, may not be reimbursed.
Entering Bulgaria (COVID)
The project was approved without budget for PCR tests of the participants (The participants have to do that on their own).
In the beginning of May we expect the new rules for entering Bulgaria, which will hopefully be more favourable since the summer season is starting, so we will keep you updated for any news.
5 participants aged 18-27
Highly motivated and interested to participate fully in the project activities.
Good English level.
Commited to do dissemination activities in local community and online after the exchange.
1 group leader, no age limit
Experienced and involved in youth exchanges
Very good command of English language.
We require you to read and follow the rules set in the Infopack and the "Regulamin Mobilności".

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.