"The Art of Good Life Vol2"
Erasmus+ Youth Exchange
The youth exchange "The Art of Good Life Vol2" will be held 30 April - 9 May 2022 in Chania, Crete and it comes as a natural achievement of the organisation over the past years, in the field of healthy and green lifestyle.
The program will educate and raise awareness for green lifestyle and environmental issues to young people in a non formal series of methods for good life, inspired by human history.
Methods and activities are adapted to modern life, to promote healthy lifestyles, environmental awareness, direct human contact, sport and finally, the good life itself.
The project will be implemented in the frame of the ERASMUS+ Programme. Accommodation, living, working materials & other project related expenses will be funded 100% by the European Commission, except the travel costs which is up to the limit of 275 euro/person for Polish participant.
REMEMBER that the reimbursement of the travel costs of each country in the Erasmus + program is pre-determined and you have to search for the most cost-efficient option of transportation. The maximum amount of travel costs that is covered by the project for each country is written in the Info-pack. Don’t forget, you have to confirm first with the organizers before buying any tickets. The tickets without organizers' approval, may not be reimbursed.

Everyone should Be VACCINATED (!) and present proper document.
5 participants aged 18-25:
Highly motivated and interested to participate fully in the project activities.
Good English level (min. level B1).
Commited to do dissemination activities in local community and online after the exchange.
Committed to actively participate in YE sessions;
Committed to organize follow up activities and disseminate project results.
1 "group leader", no age limit:
Experienced and involved in youth exchanges
Very good command of English language.
We require you to read and follow the rules set in the Infopack and the "Regulamin Mobilności".
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.