Grant support received from the Visegrad Fund #V4 #Visegrad #VisegradFund
The project aims to increase the quality of youth work by exchanging best practises, methods and ideas regarding creative start-ups in rural areas - new businesses that are using the traditional intangible heritage of rural areas (e.g. handicrafts, visual arts, gastronomy, social practises, rituals and festive events, music and performing arts, oral traditions and expressions) in a contemporary way by using modern ICT
(e-commerce, e- platforms, applications, distant work etc.). This project will encourage youth to combine traditional rural businesses with modern technologies, thus facilitating the development of innovative, high value added products in areas that are struggling with a socioeconomic decline. During the project we will jointly work on workshop scenarios and best practise collection to develop entrepreneurial skills amongst youth who are potential rural innovators. At the end of the project a blended mobility for youth will be implemented.
It will include a set of workshops that will allow youngsters to shape and develop innovative business ideas based on the local intangible heritage and the modern ICT during an intensive 6-day training that can be implemented at once or as a series of workshops during a longer period of time. This approach of the training is innovative because it focuses business education to one specific field - business that is based on exploring traditional cultural heritage in an innovative way.
The international event in Poland: Youth workers' seminar. The staff training will focus on improving and developing training in order to involve youth in innovative business based on the intangible heritage. Short-term staff training will include experience exchange, workshops, testing of training approaches and study visits to examples of a creative business
in rural regions, as well as meetings with representatives of other organisations providing training.
Local testing workshops in each partner country.
Local testing of the workshop scenarios will take place involving at least 15 youngsters in each country. During the local testing youth will create business ideas by using the intangible heritage in an innovative, contemporary way. Local testing will be also used as a basis for choosing the participants of the international training.
In order to test workshop scenarios, developed during the project, internationally, we will implement 2nd international event. During the mobility participants will develop in more detail business ideas that they have created during the local testing. In groups of 3-5 youngsters will simulate an establishment of their start-ups that produce an innovative product by using the intangible heritage in a contemporary way.
Finally, we will produce platform focused on rural youth and also urban youngsters that are interested in starting a business in rural areas by using the local intangible heritage (e.g. handicrafts, visual arts, gastronomy, social practises, rituals and festive events, music and performing arts, oral traditions and expressions) and the new opportunities provided by the information and communication technologies - ICT (ecommerce, e- platforms).
In order to disseminate the project results these events will be located in the rural areas where the partners are active with their work. The main target group of the event is youth workers /experts from youth NGOs and rural NGOs, as well as other institutions providing or planning to provide business training, including municipalities, vocational schools, highschools and universities.
Contact details of the project coordinator:
Poland, Fundacja "Zielony Słoń", Poland
Slovakia, SYTEV,
Czechia ICM Jindřichův Hradec z.s.,
Hungary, Mentál-Mankó Alapítvány
(replaced Nagykállói Városvédő Egyesület
Georgia, ახალგაზრდობა მსოფლიოსათვის / Youth For the World
Youth workers' seminar in Motycz Leśny, Poland.
Organized in 12-17.07.2021 by Fundacja Zielony Słoń.
Youth Training International, Rustavi, Georgia
Organized on 8 - 14.09.2021 by the Georgian partner and the Fundacja "Zielony Słoń"
The project is co-financed by the Governments of Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through Visegrad Grants from International Visegrad Fund. The mission of the fund is to advance ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.