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"Make Hate Extinct"
Erasmus+ Youth workers TC, Slovakia

Image by Marek Levák

Project Summary:

9-17 May 2022 Oščadnica, Slovakia
(including arrival and departure day)

The main aim:
to develop the tools and better knowledge how to prevent and counteract in cases of discrimination hate speech and extremism
among participants of the training course



  • to develop social campaign which will spread the info within local communities

  • to develop several videos to make the topic of hate speech more visible

  • learn how stereotypes and prejudices frame our actions and attitudes

  • to learn about erasmus+ and youthpass

  • to learn about the concept of problem solving tool Forum theatre

  • to learn about other cultures and traditions

  • to develop foreign language competencies


Food, accommodation and local travel costs (only during the activity program) will be covered 100% by the grant from local National Agency of Erasmus+. 




      Travel and accident insurance is a responsibility of the participants. You are advised to buy a regular travel and/ or accident insurance during your travel and your whole stay. If you are a European Union resident you may obtain European Health Insurance Card at your country. The EHIC will make you eligible to make use of local public health care service with no extra charge.

For further details please refer to the Infopack.

Apply! [only for PL candidates]

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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