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"Improvisational theatre methods applied to English language learning"

Erasmus+ project no. 2021-2-PL01-KA220-SCH-000049974​
#Improvlang #Erasmus #ErasmusPlus

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The project partnership includes 7 organizations from 7 countries: Poland, Spain, Latvia, Ireland, Romania, Turkey and Greece.
The project lasts for 24 months, from 31/05/2022 to 30/05/2024.

The project aims at introducing improvisational theatre methods in the teaching of English language and soft skills in school education. These techniques will be selected and adapted taking into account their pedagogical value within the framework of a second language learning environment. In order to guarantee the quality of this programme, the worldwide used evaluation Kirkpatrick 4-levels methodology will beincorporated to the course itself. This standard evaluation method, despite being well known in the corporate world is not commonly implemented in traditional informal or formal education schemes, including languages learning.

In accordance with this, the objectives of the project are as follows:
- To create a set of easily accessible teaching and learning materials based on theatrical improv techniques that will suport the learning of English languages in both primary and secondary schools’ education.
- To provide learners from both primary and secondary schools along with trainers and teachers with a practical methodology in soft skills training.
- To promote arts and creativity among the target groups (students and teachers from primary and secondary education) and stakeholders of the project.
- To promote the uptake of an effective and user-friendly teaching methodology across Europe in a digitally innovative way.
- To foster the uptake of an effective and professional evaluation methodology worldwide used in corporate and businessoriented environments.
- To improve the employability of future adults and professionals in the post – COVID 19 era.

Here you can download all materials completed in Improvlang project.

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

All materials developed by the IMPROVLANG project is licensed under a Creative Common attribution 4.0


Intellectual Output 1
Summary Document
This is a detailed document describing the training modules and units that will content the IMPROVLANG training programme.


This document includes a list of improvisational theatre methods and soft skills suitable for teaching English as a second language in primary and secondary education. By using the modules and units, it will be possible to create new courses or add new subjects to existing courses.

Intellectual Output 2
Complete set of Tools for IMPROVLANG
This booklet is a collection of tools to improve the English language skills of school-age participants through the application of improvisational theatre techniques. The tools are intended to be adaptable to a range of ages, language levels, and interests and allow for a high degree of flexibility so that they may be used in many different contexts. 

This document contain 10 extra added tools which we created during the project that can be used to create new courses or add new, interesting variations to improve the quality and accessibility to English language learning.

Intellectual Output 3

Evaluation toolsThis publication presents the offline evaluation of the Improvlang tools developed to enhance language learning through improvisational techniques.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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