"THE HATE ANTIDOTE: Countering Radicalisation and Hate Speech"
Erasmus+ Training Course,
Poland & Malta
1st round 25 - 31/05/2022, Zakopane, Poland
2nd round 11 - 18/11/2022 Malta
The project seeks to develop extremist violence prevention knowledge, skills and attitudes of the staff within the consortium.
Training Course (TC) in Poland is the 1st out of 2 stages of the educational path privided in this project. Youth radicalisation and the associated use of violence have become a growing issue of concern in Europe and its neighbouring regions. There has been an increase in hate speech, in the incidence of hate crimes and attacks on migrants and refugees, propaganda and violent xenophobia, as well as a rise in religious and political extremism and in terrorist attacks in Europe and its neighbouring regions (EU-COE Youth).
Radicalisation leading to violence of young people has an impact on
their wellbeing, as well as on the wellbeing and stability of their communities and the entire world, as it challenges the democratic values of society. The threat of this type of radicalisation needs to be recognised and prevented through early interventions, which can help increase young people’s resilience to extremism and the use of violence.
THE ANTIDOTE TO HATE: Countering Radicalisation and Hate Speech" is a two-stage training course tackling comprehensively the topic of radicalisation of young people and hate speech, setting the stage for collaborative efforts of combating hate thoughts and speech that results to radicalisation and extremism. The project's first main goal is to prevent and fight extremism and radicalisation through concrete measures within the local community. The objectives are to strengthen the role of youth organiSations in countering violent extremism; and promote the role of intercultural dialogue and gender mainstreaming in countering extremism and radicalization.
This mobility activity provides an advanced level of understanding the nature of extremist violence, discrimination, and differences in a multicultural society setting. It was designed, developed and built based on the outcomes of Open-Ended Consultations on Countering
Violent Extremism and Combating hate speech, highlighting the need for a training program that actually responds to the expressed concerns and needs of the targeted groups. Thus, under this mobility activity, we aim to meet the following learning needs which were expressed by the partners in the mapping exercise:
1. Participants want to understand the root causes of a conflict or differences leading to extremist violence as well as the tool for conflict analysis to better identify the roots cause of violent extremism, radicalization and hate speech.
2. Often, in the context of violent extremism, factors which seem to cause conflict are not the real root causes. Participants want to learn how to develop a sensitivity to this and identify the real causes and root causes of a conflict or differences. This training course aims to meet the challenges of extremist violence in multicultural society settings through peace-building activities. Peace-building activities are a part of the field of peace and conflict transformation studies. In our context, peace-building activities are to be innovative activities that create a peaceful environment for meeting social, and intellectual needs of participants in resolving conflict and preventing violence. In multicultural society settings, when a conflict fueled by extremist behaviours and ideologies is not prevented, reduced or settled, it gives rise to extremist violence which is taken as a short-cut method for resolving differences.
For further details please refer to the Infopack.
Food, accommodation and local travel costs (only during the activity program) will be covered 100% by the grant from local National Agency of Erasmus+. Travel costs are refunded up to the limit described in the Infopack.
Travel and accident insurance is a responsibility of the participants. You are advised to buy a regular travel and/ or accident insurance during your travel and your whole stay.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.