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“WOMAN: Working On Mastering Adult Nonviolence”

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Click to visit the detailed project website

The main activities in the Project include:

(a) Two transnational meetings (in Spain and Poland), in which two representatives of the all participating entities will review the working plan and evaluate the present state of the project.

(b) Four learning activities:

b.1) Training course in Spain where we will conduct a course to counteract the abuse towards women and share best practices and emotional management tools so that our organisations´ adult learners are able to face and overcome situations of abuse.

b.2) Study visit to Italy where we will share good practices and techniques including issues related to gender gap at labour market and identifying and breaking the Cycle of Oppression. Additionally, we will visit local entities who work in the field of empowering adult women, especially those from the Fewer Opportunities groups.

b.3) Study visit to Poland where we will will transfer best practices and work done to counteract gender related cyber discrimination and abuse. We will visit local organisations dedicated to work with women with fewer opportunities.

b.4) Study visit to United Kingdom where we will present best practices, dissemination tools and awareness raising strategies regarding identifying micromachist attitudes among women and non binary gender adults.


#WomanViolence #ka204

The objective of this Strategic Partnership is, through the exchange of good practices, to fight the alarming situation that the participating countries are facing regarding gender-based violence.

Its main objectives therefore are:
1. To exchange best practices to counteract gender violence and abuse among adult women.


2. To obtain new tools and methodologies to counteract gender violence.

3. To increase the awareness level regarding the abuse of power experienced by adult women.

4. To strengthen alliances at the regional, national and European level with entities that fight to counteract gender violence and abuse.


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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